The office is located within the Kirchberg hospital itself, near cardiology ward, cardiac intensive care unit, and diagnostic services facility where certain advanced cardiology tests are carried out. Should the patient require an urgent treatment or in case of an emergency, we can initiate immediate hospitalization during the consultation.
Our hospital activity is spread over 2 sites:
Kirchberg Hospital for cardiac imaging and hospitalization,
The INCCI (national institute of cardiac surgery and interventional cardiology) for invasive cardiology procedures.
In fact, 4 of our cardiologists are approved to practice at the INCCI: 2 in rhythmology and 2 in coronary angiography and interventions/structural heart interventions.rhythmology and 2 in coronarography/structural cardiology.
Diagnostic tests during office visits
Pacemaker/defibrillator interrogation, cardiac resynchronization therapy
Transthoracic echocardiography
Doppler exam of supra-aortic arteries
Test d’effort sur cycloergomètre
Holter ECG for 24, 48, 72 hours and 3 weeks
24-hour blood pressure monitoring
Advanced diagnostic tests offered in diagnostic services facility (plateau technique) at Kirchberg hospital
Transthoracic echocardiography (with contrast agent/3D)
Transesophageal echocardiography
Stress echocardiography (bicycle test)
Stress echocardiography (pharmacological)
Tilt test
Cardiovascular imaging carried out in collaboration with the radiology department of Kirchberg hospital
Heart CT scan, CT coronary angiogram
Calcium score
MRI +/- pharmacological stress
Invasive examinations carried out at INCCI
Coronary angiography
Electrophysiological study